Install RSLGym


To avoid conflicts with other libs it is recommended to install everything locally in a virtual environment:

pip3 install virtualenv
mkdir ~/.virtualenvs
pip3 install virtualenvwrapper

Add the following lines to ~/.bashrc:

export WORKON_HOME=~/.virtualenvs
export VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_PYTHON=/usr/bin/python3
source ~/.local/bin/

Open a new terminal tab and create your virtual environment:

source ~/.profile
mkvirtualenv --system-site-packages rslgym


Activate the virtualenvironment (if not already active):

workon rslgym

Install the latest stable version of PyTorch using pip following the instructions here


Clone and install RSLGym (inside the virtual environment):

git clone <rslgym_repo>
cd rslgym
pip3 install -e .

Other Dependencies

Yaml-cpp for hyperparameter loading:

sudo apt install libyaml-cpp-dev

Dependencies for openAI examples:

sudo apt install ubuntu-restricted-extras swig

Valgrind for debugging environment.hpp:

sudo apt install valgrind